Thursday, 27 October 2011


I created a questionnaire aimed at the target audience for my music magazine. The results will provide me with information, which will enable me to make my magazine appeal to the intended clients.

Q1- How old are you?
From this I can see what my target ages have answered, therefore I can add content which will interest them, and make my product more successful.

Q2- Male or female?
This will help me to compare the similarities and differences in what males and females want to read in a music magazine.

Q3- Which magazines do you read? (Rock Sound, Kerrang!, Rolling Stone, Metal Hammer)
By stating which other music magazines they read, I can see which articles appear in all of them and what interests people the most.

Q4- Who is your favourite band/singer?
I may include these bands or artists in my magazine content, making it more realistic and appeal to my chosen target audience.

Q5- What is your favourite song?
This may influence the design of my magazine. Also, the lyrics may inspire the title of my magazine.

Q6- State 5 words associated with rock music/magazines.
I included this question so that I can convey these themes throughout my magazine production and it may help me to decide the name of my magazine.

Q7- What colours do you link to rock music?
I will base my colour scheme on the results of this question. I have given the following choices; black, red, yellow, white, grey, pink, blue, green. From my research, I predict that black and red will be popular answers.

Q8- What are the main articles that interest you in a music magazine?
I will include these in my magazine contents.

Q9- State 5 regular artciles in the music magazine you currently read.
This will help me to find out what artciles regularly appear in music magazines.

Q10- Would you buy a magazine just to read 1 article that interests you?
If people are willing to do this, I can include one thing that interests everyone in my target audience so that they will buy it.

Q11- Do you feel encouraged to buy a magazine if you know and like the artist/band on the front cover?
I would like to find out how the image on the front cover effects sales. I can include known artists and bands on my coverlines to attract my target audience.

Q12- Would you still buy a magazine if you didn't know who was on the front cover?
Same as question 11, I hope my target audience will still buy it with an unkown band or artist on the cover image.

Q13- Name some bands and artists that would make you more likely to buy a magazine.
I will include these in my content and coverlines to encourage people to buy my product.

Q14- How often do you buy music magazines?
This will influence my frequency of publication.

Q15- How much do you spend on music magazines per month?
Q16- Which of price do you think is reasonable for a weekly magazine?
Both these questions will help me to decide what price to make the magazine.

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