Friday 30 September 2011

Final Images for School Magazine

These are the photographs that I have taken in school for my magazine. They will be used on the front cover and contents page.

 This is the image for my front cover. It is a medium close-up shot of a 6th former (related to my main story) outside the common room. She's using direct address. The background is quite plain, but shows the location. It's not white, which prevents it looking boring.

Here is a screen shot of me cropping the image on photoshop.

 This will be used on my contents page for the story 'Common room Crisis'. It is a long shot.

I also cropped this image on photoshop.

 This is a long shot of the poetry competition winner. She looks happy, connoting that the reader should also feel happy.

(This photograph won't be manipulated, as it's fine like this)
Mid shot for Ice Radio. This will be on my contents page.

I cropped this to focus on the person and mic inn the photo.

Wednesday 28 September 2011

Rough layout of contents page

This is my contents page plan.
'WEATHERHEAD WEEKLY CONTENTS' -written at the top.
One large main image on the left.
2 smaller images on the right underneath regular contents.
Feature articles listed on the left.
Subscription details at bottom.
I have included credits for the front cover photograph.
Date, issue number & website included.
It follows the codes and conventions.

Monday 26 September 2011

Planning Content

I will include these stories on my contents page.

Ice Radio,
Fun page,
Charity updates,
Health & fitness guide,
Extra help clinics timetable,
School council,
Mr Dynment weekly worry page.

School stress,
School trips,
Body issues,
Join the 6th form prom committee,
Get involved in our anti-bullying campaign,
Exam prep. tips,
Poetry winners,
Competition- meet Jacqueline Wilson,
Friendship quiz- are you a good friend?
(MAIN STORY)- Exclusive interview with pupil _______
Common room crisis

I will include a photo of the common room, ice radio and the poetry winner.

Sunday 25 September 2011

Rough Layout of Front Cover

This is my rough layout idea for the school magazine that I will create.

Plans for Front Cover

This is my initial ideas for the front cover that I will produce.

It must appeal to the target audience- pupils in a high school. I will use informal language, to appeal to teenagers. Stories must relate to school and teenagers. It must look interesting. I will include a freebie to entice the target audience.

Title: Weatherhead Weekly
Mise-en-scene: Pupil standing in front of the common room, the wooden door won't distract attention away from the text, but also show the location. The image will be a medium close-up shot. Colour scheme will be the school colours: navy, lilac, white. This reinforces the brand.
School trips,
Body issues,
Exam prep. tips,
Poetry winners,
Competition- meet Jacqueline Wilson,
Friendship quiz- are you a good friend?
(MAIN STORY)- Exclusive interview with pupil _______.

The coverlines appeal to pupils and relate to school.

The title is straight-forward, pupils know how often it is available to purchase, and the use of alliteration will engage the audience's attention.

Saturday 24 September 2011

Camera Shots

Today we worked in pairs to take some different camera shots. This will help me to take good photographs for my music magazine.

Close-up shots show a full face and neck.
Big close-up shots show the face.
Extreme close-up shots zoom in on the face, so not all of it is shown within the frame (eyes and nose).
Long shots show a full body.
Medium long shot is the head, down to the knees.
Very long shot shows a person from far away.
A medium close-up shows the head and shoulders.
Some shots are taken from a high angle, so it looks down on the subject.
Low angle shots are taken from below, they make the person seem powerful.
Two shots include 2 people within the frame.
Tilted frame- the camera is tilted to the side.
Over the shoulder shot is taken from behind a person, so you can see the back of their head and the object or person in front of them.

This is a close-up of somebody in nature.

 This is a big close-up of a person using a mobile phone.
Here is a photo of a very long shot, to show somebody conveying isolation.

Over-the-shoulder shot of somebody writing.

Two shot in medium long shot.

I took this photo to convey stress, therefore I chose to make my partner bite her nails. I have focused on the mouth and fingers. She looks anxious. This is an extreme close-up shot.
Low angle medium close-up shot.
High angle long shot.
Extreme close-up of the time.

Long shot
Here is a picture of friendship.
The brief for this photograph was to take a picture to convey friendship, without using people in it. This forced me to be creative. I took a picture of a drawing of friends, with other photos of groups of friends in the background.

Friday 23 September 2011

Codes and Conventions of Contents Pages

Today I studied four contents pages of music magazines and this is what I came to find:

There is 1 main image, which must:
- Relate to the main article (which will be my double page spread)
- Be the largest image on the page
- Be anchored by the page number for the article

At the top of the page there is:
- Date
- Issue number
- Website

'Contents' is always written at the top of the page, in a large font.

There must be clear, consistent fonts used throughout.
Also, a consistent colour scheme should be used, following on from the front cover.

- Cover lines: 12/13pt, bold: short, sharp, e.g. a band name or 'Tracks of the Year'
- Sublines: 11pt (usually a roman font)
- Page numbers come before the cover line in a big, bold font, usually in a different colour.

The contents page is layed out into 2-3 collumns.
There are usually 2 main headings: Regulars, Features. (Normally about 20 of these)
There is a line gap between each story, and a bugger gap between each section.

The page numbers anchor images to the cover lines of a story.
The subsiduary images are in different shapes and sizes.
There's usually 4-6 images, which have been credited.

The magazine title is shown to reinforce the brand.
There are also addresses and contact details, subscription details and credits for the front cover image.

Thursday 22 September 2011

Codes & Conventions of Music Magazine Front Covers

In today's lesson we looked at the codes and conventions of music magazine front covers. These are the rules I will refer to when creating my own.

Mast head- (title and positioning statement) shows the magazine's ethos.

Title is kept seperate from the main image, unless the magazine is well-established.
The image can also be placed underneath the title.
If it's a well-known brand, the title may be partially covered by the image.

The title is in a large, bold font, which is unique from any other text on the page.
The font of the title never changes, so that people recognise it.
It must match the magazine style.

The barcode is generally on the bottom right of the page, with information of the date, issue number, website and price.

Sometimes buzz words are used.
These make the reader feel like they're getting some extra for their money, or something special that nobody else has.
An example of something extra could be an exclusive interview.

- 1 main image
- Mid shot used for single artist
- Long/ medium long shots are used for bands
- No text over face, never over the eyes
- Uses direct adress to entice the audience
- Subsiduary images sometimes used that relate to stories
- Body language must match genre
- Plain background makes the image stand out

Cover lines:
- Smaller text than the main story
- Main cover line links to image and has a bigger font
- Same style of font throughout
- Text usually close to image and always relates to stories within the magazine
- Minimum of 5 coverlines
- All cover lines must relate to the magazine genre
- Limited range of fonts; serif, sans serif, times new roman

These are some examples of established music magazines: